So, there's this team at my studio that I really want to make, and auditions are only a few short months away. It's the next level up from the team I'm on now, and I REEEAAALLLLYYY want to make it. But, I don't think I will make it. Here are some reasons: 1) I am currently in 6th grade, and you normally don't make this team until 8th, but some really good 7th graders make it 2) there are a TON of other people who could probably make this team, and 3) there is already a boy who made this team in 7th grade, so he will definitely be on it again and I don't think they are going to put two boys on one team. But there's a lot of people who think I'm good enough and that I will make this team. I don't know all of the technical requirements, but I know of a few. Here they are:
-four a la secondes
-triple pirouettes
-moderate flexibility, so that your kicks look good
-turning leaps/capezios
-basic technique (pointed toes, straight knees, etc.)
I'm sure there's more, I just can't think of it right now. Please comment, and tell me what YOU think!!
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